Monday 9 February 2009

The Chilli Lounge - Our Chef and Menu visions

Namaste or Welcome

Welcome once again to the chilli lounge.
Our Chef & Our visions

Roshan will offer wonderful vegetarian dishes, but specialize too in his own unique representation of authentic south Indian vegetarian, meat and seafood cooking.
Filled with such passion for food, it has not been enough for Roshan to stop there.
“To have good food, we need to respect the environment in which it grows. Being part of this link between farming, gardening and cooking is to experience something very basic yet very profound, something in this world of ours that is good not only for each of us, but all of us at the same time.

Food is profoundly linked to everything important in life; our health, our sense of wellbeing, to those we love and the very world around us. Surrounded by fast food and junk food and supermarkets, it’s easy to lose the significance of fresh , locally produced food. I am delighted to cook using the finest Cretan ingredients .Greek natural yoghurt, organic vine tomatoes, and our Chillies will be grown on the premises ,so you may wish to pick your own
. But food not only replenishes us, it interprets our world for us. When we feel healthy, nourished and cared for, when what we eat excites us, life is better. We’re actually happier. Instead of stressing about what’s ahead or behind us, we stop to enjoy what’s happening now. Food brings life to us, teaches us to enjoy life. Food has great power, too. Through food, we can reach out to people and demonstrate their importance in our life. When we make food beautiful, when we give a person something that is a true pleasure to eat, we perform an act of care & love. Here at the Chilli lounge, that is our goal and aim!!

At The Chilli Lounge, we strive to bring you the best Indian food there is, delicious, home-cooked Indian food, made with the same love, care and thoughtfulness that a mother would devote. . Food is the social cement that brings us together. It’s the most basic link between ourselves and our environment

The Chilli Lounge’s fare is derivative of traditional Moghul cuisine focusing around the Tandoori oven, where bread, fish, meat and game are all cooked in the authentic Indian style. In addition to the conventional and established cuisine, Executive Chef Roshan will regularly devise new dishes and seasonal menus to keep the menu innovative, modern and up to date.

Where possible we aim to introduce low fat and organic ingredients. Our community in Kato Gouves, has merged together , and a wonderful member, by the name of Phil Hope, has nurtured and introduced a protein enriched treatment to the soil in The garden of The Chilli Lounge. This will enable us to pick fresh ripened chillies , right on our door step.
Indian cooking is an art, derived over the centuries from a variety of sources. Factors such as Religion, health, customs and even climatic conditions have played their part. As with Greek families, Mealtimes in an Indian household are like ceremonial occasions. The food is a gift from the Deity and should be prepared with due respect.Spices have medicinal and antiseptic properties. The spices are full of iron and Tandoori dishes are ideal for diet conscious people.In our restaurant we present Tandoori, and South Indian dishes as a sample of the variety of classic Indian food found in the Indian Sub-continent.Much thought has been given in designing this Restaurant to ensure that the classic theme of the food is enhanced by a suitably authentic yet contemporary and inviting atmosphere.We welcome your patronage and will be only too delighted to help with your selection.
Your meal is based on only fresh ingredients of the highest quality, making good use of the very best of Crete’s produce.
Consideration is given to the combination of colours, textures, originality and presentation of every dish, ensuring a feast for your eye as well as your palate.
The extensive choice of menu caters for most tastes, including vegetarian, special diets, Children and those clients who wish for the chef, to cook to your special taste.

Tandoori dishes are a particular speciality of The Eastern Eye, with the traditional Tandoori being used to great effect. For those who don't know, a Tandoori is an oven made from Indian clay, which is used to cook breads as well as fish and meats that have been marinated in yoghurt and herbs. The smouldering charcoal that is used as fuel seals in the flavours, as well as adding its own distinctive essence to the mix.
Each dish is served with panache and finesse, in the manner which the Maharajas of India were accustomed to! The Chilli Lounge is a true oasis for food lovers, delivering an impeccable friendly service to a discerning clientele.

Our menu takes you on a culinary tour of India with evocative flavours, fragrances and colours.
The restaurant's décor is a delightful fusion of Indian styling, combined with contemporary western finishes. The unique, harmonious and peaceful ambience will make a long lasting impression as soon as you enter the restaurant

What makes us different is our attention to detail, keeping the essence of authenticity in our modern cuisine. The atmosphere is upscale and lively with a relaxing bar area and our impeccable service that gives our diners an experience like no other.
We aim simply to attract those who have the same appreciation for fine food, impeccable service and convivial ambience as ourselves

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